Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


The Prodigy composer "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" was born in Salzburg, Austria on 27 January 1756. He was one of the prominent figures in the world of classical music. No half-hearted, Mozart even finished top composers, along with Beethoven and Bach.

Mozart's music ability visible from an early age. Mozart was the son of Leopold Mozart, one of the well-known music educator. From his father was Mozart accept exercises intensive music. The exercise included how to play the piano and violin. Keen to learn and practice making Mozart was able to create musical compositions at the age of five. Mozart regarded as a prodigy.

Mozart's musical abilities have made around the world since childhood. First it was the music exhibition in 1762 at the Court of the Prince of Bavaria, Munich, Germany. Later in the same year, Mozart also performed at the Imperial Court, Vienna, Austria. Long concert tour then lived for three and a half years. Mozart performed in several new cities such as Mannheim, Paris, London, and Zurich.

Furthermore, Mozart music journey to Italy. In one perjalananya to Italy, Mozart met with G.B. Martini in the city of Bologna. Mozart was accepted as a member of the Accademia Filarmonika. A bevy of music known throughout the world. His work is about 700 songs, including compositions that are widely recognized as the pinnacle of musical works Symphony, Piano music, music and music Opera Choir. Only about 700 songs that can be saved Mozart, Mozart during his life made more than 1,000 songs.

Early Years (1756 - 1772):

Mozart was known to have the ability to know the right tone without the help of tools. He has to know the music from birth. His father Johann Georg Leopold Mozart is: important composers of his time. One of his most important works are: Kindersimfonie.

Wolfgang minor is: the youngest of seven children born prematurely. Only He and Maria Anna Mozart (Nannerl) who survive to adulthood. During 4 years old, Mozart was able to play Harpsichord and perform improvisations on musical works predecessors. He even wrote the first composition at the age of 5 years. His works include: Violin Sonata and some Minuet. The father (Leopold) collects all of this without the knowledge of his compositions. Likewise Nannerl, he also is a player piano that is very reliable. Leopold discovered his talent both felt called to show off to the rest of Europe.

End of Life Mozart

In September 1777, Mozart set off around Europe back. This time accompanied by his mother. In between the second trip around Europe was, Mozart married with Constanze Weber in 1782. Too bad this great composer did not live long. Mozart died in Paris on December 5, 1791 at the age of 35 years. The cause is a fever that does not go away.
