Music therapy has been known since 550 years before Christ, and was developed by Pythagoras from Greece. Even in the Bible also stated that when a disease recurrence demented King Saul, he could be made to be quiet by the strains of the music of David (1 Samuel 16: 14-23).
The problem has been proven that people are much more sensitive to what he heard than what he saw. We would have been touched to hear the sound of crying babies than to see pictures of babies crying.
Based on research electrocardiogram, cardiogram person would not jump up and down when he was in a state of calm that account that the medical felt need to calm patient who was hit by fear or stress by playing music and proved successful. People will be easier to meditate when he was helped with the music.
Medical science acknowledges that man is made up of "Body & Soul", which can be physically visible, while included in the soul is invisible, for example nature, mind, character, feelings. These three things can be expressed by the body as a temporary surge of emotion, in the science of psychology called "Affek". In terms of our spiritual acknowledges the third element in man that is "Spirit", but this component is not recognized as a real element in modern science, nevertheless has been proven medically and spiritually, that music can affect the three elements above this , and has also proven that it has the efficacy of music to heal.
Try to think about by you, all the systems in the human body is actually run by a very regular body rhythms and follow a certain pattern. For example: The rhythm of the heartbeat and pulse, the flow of breath, footsteps, wink, speech, language, etc. all of this is the music of nature created by God. So any sounds or rhythm or music heard by physical ears anantomi humans can affect the function of the body itself. For example: the sound of the voice sounds of nature (the voice of the wind, rain, streams, waves, crickets, etc.) and songs - classic songs can create a feeling of being quieter.
For a mother to undergo a caesarean with their music, the process can be more natural childbirth and can reduce the trauma, so that the mother can be more cheerful and serene, it can even reduce the pain they are.
Proven that music can relieve patients suffering from pain because the nerves to listen to music and sensory nerve pain is the same. So that when the patient underwent surgery pain can be transferred by way of listening to music. This is why the Dr Teeth especially in Europe and in America to always steady gentle songs diruang practice.
Dr. Raymond Bahr, a cardiologist USA and the head portion of the Intensive Care Unit, always use music in the treatment room in the Critical Care Unit. He has been able to prove, in cases of cardiac arrest, in which the patient requires intensive care, one and a half hour hearing soft music has the same therapeutic effect as using the sedative Valium 10 milligrams.
Based on research at the State University of New York at Buffalo, since they use music therapy will need a sedative also dropped dramatically to 50%. Besides, since when in operation most of his patients are more relaxed, then the complications are rare this can shorten their hospitalization.
Dr. John Diamond and Dr. David Nobel, has conducted research on the effects of music on the human body in which they concluded that:
When the type of music we listen to conform and be accepted by the human body, the body reacts by releasing a hormone (serotonin) that can cause a sense Favors and happy so that the body will become stronger (by increasing the immune system) and make us more healthy.
Converse with the kind of rhythm that is generated by this type of music Rock and Roll, Disco, Metal and the like that have a "Anapestic Beat" (2 beat the short, 1 beat long and then pause) that is often used by musicians on a rhythm contrary to the rhythm of the heartbeat human.
Therefore, if the two types of rhythm anatgonis met then consequently all the cells in the muscle cells of the human body (especially the heart cells) will weaken and over time the muscle cells of the heart will be broken (necrosis). So obviously for fans of the song Disco and Rock & Roll would sooner die because of heart disease and also it has been proven when we listen to soft music on a regular basis, it can lower blood pressure, stimulates increased hormonal Endorhins (Natural Pain relieves) and S-IgA (Salivary Immunoglobulin gland type A, antibodies that serves to accelerate the healing process and decrease rate human heart rate).
So for those who have high blood pressure or heart disease, it is recommended should frequently hear soft music and also pray, rather than expensive waste of money to pay the hospital or doctor.