Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Musical Instruments of the America continent


Musical instrument is an instrument made for the purpose of generating music. In principle, anything that can generate sound a certain way can be regulated by a musician, can be referred to as a musical instrument. However, the term is generally for specialized tools that music and science who learn a musical instrument called organological.

Before knowing more deeply about organologi helps us to know first the various kinds of musical instruments of the Americas continent.

Musical Instruments of the Americas continent


Güiro musical instrument, multi güiro, torpedo a variety of squash and pumpkins mock dried with various kinds of streaks on the outer skin. This instrument is also almost similar to maracas that come from Peru.

Drum Wood and Leather

Musical instruments and leather wooden drum is a musical instrument heritage of Indian tribes Aztec, Mayan and Inca tribe. Not a lot of information I get about this instrument, because of the lack of information to explore about this instrument.


Claves is a musical instrument made of hardwood couples who later played by mutual struck between one another.
